Wednesday, 30 May 2007

Nothing to it but to do it!

I could be on the internet browsing bodybuilding forums, In the gym listening to the rants of a fellow gym rat or I could even be talking to family or friends. One thing is apparent to me when it comes to getting into a fair physical shape. People get lost! Now don't get me wrong and assume that i believe I hold the asnwers to thier physical prayers, regular readers will know i suffer from the same ups and downs as every other schmoe trying to reach thier physical goals. I have also suffered from lack of application and patience.

9 times out of 10 people are their own worst enemies when it comes to this stuff. I could list a boat load of reasons why but I will select a few which I feel contribute to more trainers wasting thier time.

Number one is effort - If some dude told you that buried under 20m of sand and cement somewhere in your back garden lay £100,000. You would be busting your hump day and night with any powertool at your disposal to get your mitts on it. Lets jump now to the gym. Gym rat A spends roughly 10 mins each night flexing in the mirror, thinking in his mind about how crap he looks compared to the big kids and how he wishes to be one.. Now skip ahead to Gym rat A's workout.. Pitiful. He spends more time gas bagging on the phone and talking to his mates than he does serious training. If this guy Put his muscles under more exercise than his jaw he would be Mr Olympia in no time. If your going to do it then do it right, not the bare minimum. You reap what you sow.

Probably the biggest Killer of gym clientele memberships , reason for drop outs and general lack of results boils down to lack of patience. Only today was I speaking to a guy who is working hard at his training. This guys diet is ok, his workouts are structured correctly and things are generally moving in a favourable direction. Problem is impatient with his results and as such is looking to switch up a working plan in favour for something else! Hold your horses man, the guy is onto a winner and just because his arms are not measuring Arnie sized proportions after 3 weeks of solid application he is getting antsy and messing with a winning formula. More focus needs to be on the big picture! I go stir crazy when I hear about people with weight issues saying "EE I tried that new diet and it didn't work" or "Diets dont work on me".... I mean WTF?? 3-6 weeks, although enough time to grow,build and do many things is not enough time in the training world to turn a subpar physique into perfection. Hell not even 6 months is that long...

Something im learning with myself is that simplicity rules all in this world. Its a question of where you want to be and how is it achievable! Stick to the plan. Give it all you have got and give it time! Hard work pays. Ask yourself can you be working harder. Discard what is useless and keep what is useful.

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