Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Diet of the Day

A little unbalanced today. A little less carbs and more protein than I would have liked! Granted I could have adjusted (and should have) earlier. Distinctly lacking in veggies/fruits today. Not that I'm big on lots of fruit! Hell I'm may write my thoughts on fruit intake when I'm finished kicking myself in the teeth over todays diet.

Breakfast was chugged down in a shake form! Tasted rather good too. Look out for an adaptation of this recipe when and if my bulking requires the extra calorific clout! This shake could turn Gandy into freakin Godzilla in no time. Though I must stress that any fellow readers don't go drinking this stuff like its going out of fashion unless the extra intake is fully justified within your existing diet! We wouldn't want anyone to end up lard ass would we.

The spreads I use will be getting posted on here soon. I must have used approx 10g of the stuff on my toasted granary tonight. This works out at roughly 50-60kcals... not a great deal, but for a nitpicking bar steward like me it needs to be accounted for! It shall be done from now on!

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