Tuesday, 29 May 2007

Cloud 9

What an evening at the gym.. What an evening! no fewer than 2 compliments were thrown my way tonight. I must admit this is largely due to the fact that I usually wear some kind of baggy training top and when it comes off for a dri fit vest people tend to ask a few questions. Hell im not even 200lbs right now and people are saying ive gotten bigger. Its quite amazing how bodybuilding is about pure illusion. Hell I'm not a big guy ( not yet :)), my gym has no shortage of those, It's just nice to be patted on the back once in a while to reassure you that your not wasting your time or spinning your wheels in the sand. If anything besides a slightly inflated head, it is strong motivation for me to stay focused, follow the plan even more ridgedly and see where I can really take things.

Onwards and upwards!

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