Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Return of the Mack

Woooaaa im hooommee, uhh yea.

Evening all,

The blog has been resumed after my stint in The emerald isle. And exactly how are things in Dublin fair city you ask? superb I must say. The old weather could have been a little kinder but hey. Food is good if you know where to go, so are the sights.

Upon returning to work and speaking to a fellow few readers I was promptly asked about my training. Lets get real! Despite my obvious spartan like resolve to my training, I must say I didn't do anything conducive to my goals whilst away on my break.. No gym, No whey shakes, boiled chicken breast, flaxseed oils or even multi vits! I even dropped my no drinking rule to slurp on a few pints of fine Bulmers cider. I gorged on Buffet breakfasts consisting of multiple helpings of cereals, typical breakfast wares, fruit juices, breads etc. Feasted on pizzas and takeaways and fine cuisine from restaurants. Did I feel guilty?? Hell no! I loved it. A Holiday break should be just that. Getting away from the normal mundane events of everyday life and experiencing life with a different hue.

Right - The rebellion is over! I promised bells, whistles and fireworks upon return and so it begins. Despite the voice in my head telling me jumping from routine to routine without at least a 2 month stint is a recipe for disaster, I can't help but be excited at the new routine Ive just recently put into motion. Its like absolutely nothing I have ever done before! training will be CAREFULLY conducted everyday from now on in a 10 day on 5 days off fashion. Heavy, Medium and light days will be strategically employed. Tonight was my first night and if I was given an opportunity to sum it up with a plethora of words I would choose the following:

  • Deceiving
  • Jelly
  • Perspiration
Such words were chose as the workout is tougher than a coffin nail. Legs were rubbery towards the end to say the least. The gym was no hotter than normal but I was sweating like a pig on a roasting spit!

I'm going to make up some words and say I will "excelisise" the workout and post today's offering tomorrow for all the interested partys. Please be aware that carbon copy's of the routine should not be attempted unless you know the theories behind the routine. Unlike other routines this is not a "collection" of exercises slapped together and done day in and day out. To coin a phrase of a great man I hold in high regards:

"You can slap a monkeys ass bright red but it sure don't make it a baboon"

A magnifying glass will also be getting passed over my diet as mentioned before my trip. Things are going to get tough.

Cockles and muscles! Alive, Alive-o!

1 comment:

dj_hope01 said...

your resolve my friend as yet again the public eye blinks in your face asking questions about your dedication. As a fellow spartan warrior i understand your thinking as i have witnessed the planning and execution of pills, chicken, more pills i understand the need to let loose on holiday.
I am sure that this new regeime will be a killer and that the lure of the works coffie machine with the sweet choclate drink shall not lure you nor the clowns at the gym that are not there to get down and dirty, to do a bit of graft distract you from your goal. Good luck my friend and GOOD JOURNEY.