Thursday, 7 June 2007

Getting Comfy back in the saddle: Diet of the day

Did you notice the weight chart? It has evened out.. Im calling this week a possible fluke and will wait until this time next week to take another reading. Once im 100% solid I have reached my levels of maintainence, things will be getting heated up and slowly the lean mass should start creeping up.

This has got to be one of the hardest days yet! it really is a difficult task to pickup where you left off i tell you. Im no longer suprised that people fall off the bandwagon when they start taking little days off from training here and there. Tomorrow will yield a bigger breakfast along with a larger ammount of carbs post workout.

I know I know i promised you peeps my workout from lastnight AND NOW TONIGHT!! please be patient as im working on getting the postable version finalised. Stay in school and eat all your greens! until next time you crazy kids.

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