Monday, 11 June 2007

Back on the hoss

Another Monday beckons. I’m not going to hit home the emotional weight Monday brings to the employed individual, but rather the emotional and physical weight from the forthcoming training week.

It has been said that 2 weeks is all it takes for a repeated procedure to become routine. I will agree with this statement to the degree that the procedure becomes somewhat of a habit and less of a chore but Dedication is still needed if the procedure is to be followed and executed correctly.

I would consider my blog somewhere between the above at the moment. It is quite apparent that since my trip I have fallen a little from the horse with regards to keeping you the reader informed on my daily training related exploits. As such Im going to have to chew on the inevitable and post up as recap of the last 5 days or so, just so I can clear the air and get back to what I do best. Writing blathering snippets of cerebral showering.

Training has been going well I must admit. The new 30day cycle is incredibly tough, though I would have it no other way as the rewards of a lesser challenging routine would probably yield less fruit.

I have at least 5 days of completed 30 day cycle to post for your viewing pleasure. I have jobbed the job of turning the routine into a digital form and now it remains to fill in the numbers from my print and post.

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