Friday, 25 May 2007

The things we do

How do you know when your serious about training...? Consistency? Hard Work? or perhaps blending your tub of cottage cheese with water into a lovely fine broth. I've got big love for cottage cheese and can usually eat and enjoy most brands. This time is different! Ive got 4 tubs of a less than tasty brand to work through and seeing as though wasting them is not an option for a tight wad like me, it's time to stoke the blender!

One of these bad boys back went down the hatch lastnight! I find it alot easier than chewing down on that nasty tasting brand. I could only be reminded of the time I blended Tuna and Cola up whilst sipping on my Cottage cheese smoothee. Not something I would recommend to any one I must admit. The tuna and cola tasted like a somebody had wrung a fish bone dry into a glass.
Puts hairs on your chest!

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