Thursday, 24 May 2007

Diet of the day

A little more food again today. Just a little bit! A keen eye would have noticed that I have been adding 200-300 calories in each day since Day 1 on Monday 21st. A keener eye would also notice that i have a staggered intake depending on weather the flavour of the day is weight training. I will eventually level this out when my beautiful burning hunk of metabolism love returns!

I don't think I will hit maintenance cals until around the 3200-3600 cal mark. As such I wouldn't be at all shocked If I have lost a couple of pounds from last week when I throw my semi naked arse on the scales Saturday morn. Don't worry fellow readers, although this is indeed the opposite direction of where I am aiming to go, I gaurantee ill claw those little bounders back in no time! Things are going to get crazy within the next few weeks.. Ill be eating as much as I need to support my goal. This could be 400g of protein daily and 6000Kcals.... It could be alot less! Imagine what 6000kcals could look like stretched across the dinner table! Thats some freaky eating. Still, Nobody got big eatin like a bird. Though 9/10 thats the reason nobody makes progress in the gym. The human body does'nt want to be walking around jacked up with 240lbs of muscle. We can't force it 100% with food alone, however im going to give it a bloody good go! If a tall slender lad like me can add mass then anyone can. Im not naturally big, special or even endowed with much muscle at all.. Its guys like us who need to keep our heads in the game, stay focused and carry on ploughing our way up the lbs with huge ammounts of grub and smart training and rest.

Anyways my waffle is over until next time. 23:00 is the time i must hit the sack tonight as I have a really tough training day ahead of me tomorrow! Cardio, Rock bottomed squats! tomorrow night we dine in hell!!!!!!

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