Monday, 2 July 2007

Unbaised eyes

How many time have you been in the following scenario? Picture this: It has been a while since you have rubbed shoulders with a couple of your pals. After a typical greeting and a trip to the bar later you begin talking about what you have been up to. Besides the typical chit chat about cars, houses, partners etc... The topic of conversation always falls onto appearance at some point during the evening, with specific interest payed to us training folk. It's at this point that you brace yourself for impact. Comments will either stroke your ego or kick you in the teeth!

I guess that I got away with minor bruising in my recent meeting. It was decided that I had "lost some of it" and looked skinnier. This would have been seen as a major boot in the guts to most trainer looking to increase their physical size, however I'm glad my small cut that i recently employed had its desired effects - remove the bodyfat and keep the muscle.

The choice of clothing i wear usually dictates the comments I get. A fitting vest in the gym gets some good positive comments and a generic Tee on a night out gets a few chin strokes and questions to whether or not I'm still training.

All this poses the question:

  1. Would you rather be seen as a "big guy" knowing fine well your carrying a little excess bodyfat?
  2. Would you rather take a few hits as to your size, only to look sharper, shapely, and more defined when the shirt comes off?

The answer is very much subjective. I personally would prefer number 2 anyday of the week as it seems that the stereotypical big guys you see in all gyms look the real deal in a T-shirt. However when you stick them in a vest under the summer sun, they have no real definition and look soft and padded.

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