Introducing the new Training log of the day! I will be embarking on an easy quick read system so I can keep you the appreciated reader, easily informed on my training exploits with ease.
Today will be the first example. I will add custom homemade badges of my activities to my blog along with the date to symbolize carried out training.
Such a day merits the following:

22:00 UPDATE: I have returned from geurilla, I wish I could say i aced it or that I even cmpleted the whole cycle! I didn't - I managed 3/4 of the cycle! not bad for a first attempt in a long long time.. I only wish it would get better!
It was around the 8 minute mark that I was feeling physically sick from the sprinting. My stomach was knotted and my lungs ready to give thier last ounce of effort in order to propel my stomach contents skyward.
It's so bizzare. Your physically and mentally giving it all you have, your moving your legs as fast as they can go, pounding the ground with your running shoes like the beat of a drum and the speed just doesn't come! your exhausted... you couldn't sprint fast even if your life was solely depending upon it!
Even now as I write im in fits of coughing due to the stress placed on my lungs.
Early night for me tonight thats for damn sure! Low intensity cardio first thing remember.
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